Senior Department
“St. Winifred's students traditionally perform extremely well at the CXC CSEC level with an annual average pass rate of 97%. We have had students who have placed in the top ten regional honours list. The majority of our students go on to tertiary education where they also perform at a high standard.”
Beginning Secondary School
In our Senior Department, the three year groups, Form 1 to Form 3, are the first years of secondary school. The curriculum at this level provides the foundation elements necessary for their fourth and fifth year, and gives students the opportunity to develop a broad knowledge and skill set for all subjects. Independent, as well as group work, support the development of knowledge application and analytical thinking.

During the first two years students study:
- Mathematics
- English Language and Literature
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Spanish
- Visual Arts
- Music
- Food, Nutrition & Health
- Technical Drawing (Form 2)
- Study Skills
- Social & Emotional Learning (Form 1 - 3)
- Drama and Physical Education (P.E.)
- EDPM (Electronic Document Preparation Management)

Form 3
In their third year, other subjects are added. Science is replaced by Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and students also do Business Studies.
Electronic Document Preparation & Management (EDPM) is an external CXC CSEC exam taken in Form 3 for those who qualify.
At the end of Form 3, students select the subjects they will study in Form 4 - 5 to prepare for, and ultimately sit for the CXC CSEC exams at the end of Form 5.
The school holds a Subject Fair around the middle of Term 3 in order to provide information and guidance to parents and students on the various subjects available to choose from.

Form 4 - Form 5
The final two-year programme is carefully geared to the needs of our students to ensure success in the regional exams held by CXC (Caribbean Examinations Council). In addition to the subjects taken at third form, a few others are offered in this two-year programme.
These include Human & Social Biology, Social Studies, Information Technology, Principles of Accounts, Principles of Business and Physical Education & Sport. (Additional Math is facilitated at the school where requested).
Most of these exams have a School Based Assessment (SBA) component which is often project based. The SBA score contributes to the candidate's overall examination grade. At the end of their second year, students sit the CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate) examinations.