The 100th Celebration Legacy Project

The 100th Celebration Legacy Project

The Hall is indeed the very heart of our School, and as we celebrate our centennial year, we have selected the repair and refurbishment of the School Hall as our 100th Legacy Project. 

The building of our Hall began in 1955 and was completed in 1956.  The funding of this project could be largely credited to Mr. Clifton and Mrs. Ruth Wright who lived opposite the school and who became dedicated supporters of the school in those early years. 

Besides daily school assemblies and music classes, the Hall is the centre for Prize Giving, Pantomime productions, SWAP activities, graduations, teacher training and fun school spirit activities. 

After all these years, the Hall is in urgent need of repairs.  It is a major project which will require significant funding and any contribution will go a long way to ensuring our goals are met.

Join our 100th Legacy Project.



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