Libraries & Digital Learning

We are very proud of our school library which gets updated frequently and which students use for research and for borrowing books. It is popular with our students. Online libraries have also been used by classes particularly when the school had to work from home. 

There is Wi-Fi available at the school library for our seniors to research and work on their projects and research assignments. Wi-Fi is also available school wide for staff and in the secondary department students have access to a student network. This allows them to submit assignments in Google Classroom and to work on projects, SBAs and other research.

All classrooms have SMART TVs to enhance learning. The school also has projectors for use in the classes where needed.

Our cloud-based system called the Link is where teachers take attendance and post assignments, tests and notes and record grades. Reports are paperless and released through the Link. Google classroom is also in place for online support. 

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